A Perfect Place To Ride A Bike
Now in Tennesse, we don't have very many straight, level roads. We have a lot of hills and curves which are not good for bike riding. However I was privileged to live right at the end of a nice, straight, stretch, of a lightly traveled country road. This shot shows the old home place, where I lived at about age 8-12. You can see the barn, far in the distance. We lived in a big, old, farm house. Even though the house has been gone for several years, you can still see the big trees near the road, that were in our yard. This road was perfect for bike riding. I would first ride up the road to the barn drive, which was a little higher in elevation than the straight stretch of road. The first part of my ride would be down hill, and the rest of it would be on level ground. I would zoom down the hill and coast for a while before I even had to start pedaling. I can still remember the feel of the wind in my hair, the sunshine, and even the puddles of water I would splash through after a rain. Yes this little stretch of rural road provided many hours of bike riding joy for me as a little girl.
I particularly enjoyed the horses grazing under the stormy dramatic skies, and the red barn contrasted with the greens of the mountains and the yellow weed blossoms.
The Wolf River Methodist Church is a cute little country church. Sgt. Alvin C York is buried in the cemetery. The view from the cemetery takes in green fields, red barns, and beautiful mountains.
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